Friday 16 March 2007

Lettering books

What is the point of lettering books anyway? They're only for people who are bored (myself being exibit A, your honour) because no matter how lovely your handwriting it, it all goes to crap once you hit high school and can't be bothered writing full stop, let alone in a "lovely" way. Furthermore, you go to university and develop a scrawl. So I'm left to think now that people with lovely handwriting are simply bored.
So there I was. Day in, day out, writing in my little calligraphy/lettering book. Soon I finished the book and Mum bought me another. And another.
Meanwhile, my sister was coming back every day talking about amazing things she had done while at school. They have PLAYGROUNDS at school?! Holy cow! And you can play on them WHILE you eat your lunch? I simply had to go to school...

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